What is a health advocate?

Health advocates help individuals and their family caregivers navigate the complicated health care- and insurance systems to obtain the best care possible.

Doctor Atoosa is an independent health advocate who brings years of experience with these systems to help individuals and their close caregivers get the answers and care they deserve. The health care system has grown more complex, insurance coverage more convoluted, and community more fragmented—and health equity yet to be anywhere near the norm. As a physician and public health professional observing these factors in the wild, witnessing firsthand how many obstacles there can be to finding—let alone accessing—the correct paths for treating health issues, Doctor Atoosa felt called to the role of health advocate, to lend her expertise on another level.

Who is health advocacy for?

Health advocacy is for anyone who is having difficulty getting the coordinated health care that would be best for them. Examples include:

  • People with chronic health conditions like autoimmune disease, cancer, injury and disability, mental health problems, etc. who want support in keeping medically organized and compliant with care and treatment requirements. For example, someone newly diagnosed with crohn’s disease who is struggling to manage their symptoms and treatments, and finds themself frequently in the emergency department.

  • People who feel overwhelmed by health problems and have hit roadblocks in seeking care. For example, someone with chronic pain of undetermined cause coupled with generalized anxiety that hinders them from getting the help they need.

  • People who have had difficulty navigating the health care system because of access issues, health equity and discrimination experience, or the complexity of the health care system. For example, a family who was denied needed services because of insurance coverage issues, and the physicians caring for the family have not found a way to get the tests or treatments covered.

  • People who want integrative health care and need guidance to find competent practitioners well-suited to their health needs. For example, someone diagnosed with cancer who wants to use integrative therapeutics alongside chemotherapy and surgery who wants guidance on getting services covered and finding the right holistic practitioners to be part of their team.

  • Diagnostic mysteries—people with tough cases that multiple medical providers have not been able to solve or treat to the patient's satisfaction. For example, a child with food allergies, eczema, sleep disturbances, and growth problems who has been seen by multiple primary care providers and specialists but is still having quality of life and developmental problems and her parents would like help to get her the right care with the right medical providers and therapies.

What does Doctor Atoosa do as a health advocate?

Doctor Atoosa:

  • Reviews medical records and explains them in easy-to-understand language so clients can make informed decisions.

  • Investigates treatment options and alternatives, especially integrative pathways.

  • Assists clients in putting together their optimal health care team—including accessing specialists and navigating referrals.

  • Facilitates communication between clients, families, and their medical teams.

  • Virtually accompanies clients on medical appointments or hospital visits, if needed.

  • Reviews medical bills, assists with insurance appeals and coverage of needed services.

Doctor Atoosa works collaboratively with clients and their care teams remotely all over the world.

How do I work with Doctor Atoosa?

Contact Doctor Atoosa to learn more about the process of working together.